Order of Operations

Mastering the order of operations is a crucial skill for anyone looking to excel in mathematics. This essential concept ensures that complex mathematical expressions are solved consistently and accurately, allowing us to communicate effectively within the realm of numbers.

In this article, we will delve into the importance of following the order of operations and explore mnemonic devices such as PEMDAS and BODMAS that aid in remembering these rules. We’ll also discuss various grouping symbols used in mathematics, including nested parentheses, and their significance when solving equations.

Furthermore, you’ll learn about exponents within the order of operations framework – both positive and negative – along with examples demonstrating correct application during problem-solving processes. Our exploration will continue with multiplication & division rules, common mistakes made while applying these rules, as well as addition & subtraction guidelines accompanied by tips for avoiding errors.

Finally, we’ll examine how understanding the order of operations plays a vital role in simplifying algebraic expressions and solving linear equations using PEMDAS or BODMAS methods. By mastering these concepts, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle advanced mathematical problems with confidence.

Understanding the Order of Operations

The order of operations is a set of rules that dictate the correct sequence of steps to follow when evaluating mathematical expressions involving multiple arithmetic operations. These rules ensure consistency and accuracy in solving math problems, allowing clear communication between mathematicians, students, and educators worldwide. Two popular mnemonic devices for remembering the order are PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication & Division, Addition & Subtraction) and BODMAS (Brackets, Orders or powers, Division & Multiplication, Addition & Subtraction).

Importance of following the order of operations

  • Maintains consistency across different math problems.
  • Avoids confusion when communicating with others about calculations.
  • Promotes accurate problem-solving skills among students.

PEMDAS and BODMAS mnemonic devices


  1. Parentheses: Solve expressions within parentheses first.
  2. Exponents: Calculate powers before other arithmetic operations.
  3. Multiplication & Division: Perform these from left to right as they appear in an expression.
  4. Addition & Subtraction: Perform these from left to right as they appear in an expression.


  1. Brackets: Solve expressions within brackets first.
  2. Orders or Powers: Calculate powers before other arithmetic operations.
  3. Division and Multiplication: Perform these from left to right as they appear in an expression.
  4. Addition & Subtraction: Perform these from left to right as they appear in an expression.

Understanding the order of operations is essential for solving any mathematical problem accurately and efficiently. Grouping symbols are used to help organize expressions, making them easier to solve.

Grouping Symbols in Expressions

When using the order of operations, it’s essential to first check for brackets or parentheses in an expression. Grouping symbols like parentheses and fraction bars indicate which calculations should be performed before others, ensuring proper evaluation.

Types of Grouping Symbols Used in Mathematics

  • Parentheses: ( )
  • Square Brackets: [ ]
  • Curly Braces: { }
  • Fraction Bars: ―

Nested Parentheses and Their Significance

In mathematical expressions with multiple layers of grouping symbols, also known as nested parentheses, you must work from the innermost set outward. For example:

3 + { 4 – ( 2 + 1 ) }

In this expression, the innermost set of parentheses is (2 + 1), which evaluates to 3. The expression then becomes:

3 + { 4 – 3 }

The next set of parentheses is the curly braces, which contain the expression 4 – 3, which evaluates to 1. The final expression is:

3 + 1 = 4

This approach ensures that all necessary calculations are completed within each group before moving on to the next level of hierarchy within the expression.

Grouping symbols are essential components of any mathematical expression, as they help to identify the order in which operations should be performed. Exponents can also play a major role within the Order of Operations and require special consideration when solving equations.

Exponents within the Order of Operations

The order of operations dictates that after addressing any grouping symbols present within an equation, exponents must be solved next. This step ensures that exponential values are calculated correctly before moving on to other arithmetic operations such as multiplication or division.

Definition and Examples Involving Exponents

An exponent is a mathematical notation indicating the number of times a base value should be multiplied by itself. For example, 23 means 2 x 2 x 2 = 8. To better understand how to apply this rule in the context of the order of operations, consider the following expression: (1 + 2)2. First, solve for the parentheses: (1 + 2) = 3; then raise it to the power indicated by the exponent: 32, which equals nine.

Solving Equations with Both Positive and Negative Exponents

In some cases, you may encounter expressions containing both positive and negative exponents. When dealing with these situations, remember that a negative exponent signifies taking the reciprocal while raising it to its corresponding positive power – for instance, x-n = (1/x)n. Always adhere to proper order when handling such scenarios during your calculation process.

The application of exponents within the order of operations can be a difficult concept to grasp, however, with practice and dedication, it is possible to master. Moving on, we will explore the multiplication and division rules associated with problem-solving in this area – an equally important part of understanding how these concepts work together.

Multiplication & Division Rules

In the order of operations, multiplication and division come after handling exponentiation. They have equal priority but must be performed from left to right within an equation. It’s crucial not just to multiply before dividing but also to work through all instances sequentially so as not to accidentally skip any steps along your way toward finding a solution.

Examples Demonstrating Correct Application During Problem-Solving Process

Let’s consider an example: 12 / 4 x 3. According to the rules, we should first perform the division (12 / 4 = 3) and then proceed with multiplication (3 x 3 = 9). The correct answer is 9.

Common Mistakes Made While Applying These Rules

  • Mistake: Performing calculations in the wrong order by multiplying before dividing or vice versa.
  • Solution: Always follow the left-to-right rule for multiplication and division within an expression.
  • Mistake: Ignoring parentheses or other grouping symbols when performing these operations.
  • Solution: Ensure you address any necessary grouping symbols prior to moving on with multiplication or division tasks.

Avoiding these common mistakes will help ensure accurate results while working with mathematical expressions involving multiple arithmetic operations.

In summary, knowledge of multiplication and division principles is essential for successful math problem-solving. Additionally, addition and subtraction guidelines should also be taken into consideration when solving equations.

Addition & Subtraction Guidelines

The order of operations ensures that addition and subtraction are treated with equal importance, requiring both to be performed simultaneously based on their respective positions within an expression. This approach helps maintain consistency and accuracy when solving mathematical problems.

Examples showcasing the proper application of addition and subtraction rules

To better understand the correct use of these rules, let’s consider a few examples:

  • Example 1: Evaluate 5 + 6 – 3 x (8 – 4). First, solve the parentheses: (8 – 4) = 4. Then multiply (-3 x 4) = -12. Finally, add and subtract from left to right: (5 + 6) – 12 = 11 – 12 = -1.
  • Example 2: Evaluate 7 + (-9) – 2 x (10/5) + 16. Here, we first perform the division: (10/5) = 2. Then multiply -2 x 2 = -4. Now add and subtract from left to right: (7 + (-9)) – (-4) + 16 = (-2) + 20 = 18.

Tips for avoiding errors when working with these operations

To minimize mistakes while applying addition and subtraction rules in your calculations, follow these tips:

  1. Prioritize solving any grouping symbols such as parentheses or brackets before performing other arithmetic operations.
  2. Familiarize yourself with mnemonic devices like PEMDAS (Parentheses Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction).
  3. Always work through expressions from left to right after handling exponents, multiplication, and division.

By following the guidelines for addition and subtraction, you can easily avoid making mistakes when working with these operations. Moving on to the order of operations in algebra, let’s explore how we can simplify expressions using PEMDAS or BODMAS.

Order of Operations in Algebra

The order of operations plays a crucial role in solving algebraic expressions, ensuring that variables and constants are manipulated consistently. By adhering to the established hierarchy, students can confidently tackle increasingly complex mathematical problems involving algebra.

Simplifying Algebraic Expressions Using the Order of Operations

To simplify an algebraic expression, follow PEMDAS or BODMAS rules while substituting values for variables if necessary. For example:

PEMDAS: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), Addition and Subtraction (from left to right).

BODMAS: Brackets, Orders, Division and Multiplication (from left to right), Addition and Subtraction (from left to right).

Solving Linear Equations by Applying PEMDAS or BODMAS

In linear equations, use the order of operations to isolate the variable on one side and solve for its value. Consider this example:

  1. Rewrite equation: 6(x-4)+10=22+12x-24;
  2. Distribute & combine like terms: -6x+34=-12;
  3. Add/subtract terms with x from both sides: -6x+12=0;
  4. Multiply/divide by constant term coefficient:x=-2.

FAQs in Relation to Order of Operations

How Do You Explain the Order of Operations?

It ensures consistency and accuracy when solving mathematical problems involving multiple operators. The most common mnemonics for remembering this order are PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication/Division, Addition/Subtraction) and BODMAS (Brackets, Orders, Division/Multiplication, Addition/Subtraction).

Which Is Correct: PEMDAS or BODMAS?

The correct mnemonic for remembering the order of operations is PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication/Division left-to-right as they appear in a problem, Addition/Subtraction left-to-right). BODMAS (Brackets, Orders, Division/Multiplication, Addition/Subtraction) is another commonly used mnemonic that follows the same order. Either PEMDAS or BODMAS will ensure proper application when performing calculations with multiple operators. PEMDAS is mainly used in the US, while BODMAS is typically used in the UK and India.

Why Is It Important to Have Order of Operations Rules?

Having established rules for the order of operations helps maintain consistency across various mathematical contexts and prevents ambiguity during calculations. These guidelines allow everyone to perform complex arithmetic consistently and accurately without confusion about which operation should be carried out first.


Understanding the Order of Operations is crucial for math students to solve complex problems with ease. By following PEMDAS or BODMAS, one can simplify arithmetic expressions involving multiple operations and grouping symbols. Correct use of parentheses and fraction bars also plays a vital role in ensuring accurate calculations.

In algebra, applying Order of Operations helps in simplifying expressions and solving linear equations with multiple variables. With practice, one can master this fundamental concept and build a strong foundation for advanced math topics.

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