One-Step Inequalities

One-step inequalities are an essential concept in mathematics that allows us to compare and analyze relationships between quantities. In this article, we’ll investigate the complexities of these essential mathematical expressions.

We will begin by developing a solid understanding of one-step inequalities and their properties. Next, we’ll explore how adding and subtracting can be applied to solve these types of problems effectively.

Moving forward, our focus will shift towards multiplying and dividing in one-step inequalities, where special attention must be given when dealing with negative numbers. 

By the conclusion of this lesson, you’ll have acquired essential information about one-step inequalities that will not only augment your math aptitude but also supply you with practical methods for everyday use.

Understanding One-Step Inequalities

Mathematics is all about comparing things, and inequalities are the perfect tool for that. One-step inequalities are like the building blocks of math, and you need to master them to move on to more advanced topics.

A one-step inequality is an equation where two expressions are compared using inequality symbols like less than (<), greater than (>), less than or equal to (≤), or greater than or equal to (≥). The goal is to isolate the variable on one side of the inequality symbol while keeping the relationship between both sides intact.

Adding and Subtracting in One-Step Inequalities

Let’s talk about adding and subtracting in one-step inequalities. It’s like solving regular equations, but with a twist.

Addition in One-Step Inequalities

If you have an inequality that involves addition, you need to subtract to isolate the variable. For example:

x + 2 > 7

The solution is x > 5.

Subtraction in One-Step Inequalities

When you have an inequality that involves subtraction, you need to add to isolate the variable. For example:

x – 3 > 2

The solution is x > 5

Remember to follow the order of operations and check your solution by plugging it back into the original inequality.

  • Keep the same order of operations as regular equations.
  • When adding or subtracting a negative number, make sure to change the positive and negative signs correctly.
  • Verify your resolution to guarantee its correctness.

Now you know how to add and subtract in one-step inequalities. Go forth and conquer.

Multiplying and Dividing in One-Step Inequalities

Let’s talk about multiplying and dividing in one-step inequalities. These operations are crucial when working with inequalities because they help us isolate the variable on one side of the inequality sign.

Multiplying One-Step Inequalities

To multiply a one-step inequality, just multiply both sides of the inequality by the same number. If you’re multiplying by a negative number, don’t forget to flip the direction of the inequality sign. For example:

-3x < 9

To isolate x, we need to divide both sides of the inequality by negative three (-3). But remember, dividing by a negative number reverses the direction of the inequality sign: -3x / -3 > 9 / -3 which simplifies to x > -3. Any value for x greater than negative three will satisfy this inequality.

Just remember to flip the sign if you’re multiplying by a negative number.

Dividing One-Step Inequalities

When dividing one-step inequalities, follow these steps:

  1. If needed, simplify each side of your equation first.
  2. If there’s a coefficient (number) next to your variable on either side of your equation, divide both sides by that coefficient.
  3. If you divided or multiplied by a negative number during step two, flip your symbol.

In summary:

  • When multiplying or dividing one-step inequalities, perform the operation on both sides of the inequality.
  • If you multiply or divide by a negative number, reverse the direction of the inequality sign.

Let’s look at a few more examples:

  • Example 1: Solve x + 3 < 7
  • Example 2: Solve -4x ≥ -12

In Example 1, we need to isolate x by subtracting three from both sides of the inequality: x + 3 – 3 < 7 – 3 which simplifies to x < 4. This means that any value for x less than four will satisfy this inequality.

In Example 2, we must divide both sides by negative four (-4) but remember that dividing by a negative number reverses the direction of an inequality sign. So our solution becomes: -4x / (-4) ≤ -12 / (-4) which simplifies into x ≤ +3. Any value for x less than or equal to 3 will satisfy this particular example.

To solve these types of problems, you need to understand the rules for solving inequalities and practice with various examples. Remember to perform the same operation on both sides of the inequality sign while being cautious about reversing its direction.

Important Lesson: 

The article explains the concept of one-step inequalities in math, which are equations where two expressions are compared using inequality symbols. It provides examples and techniques for solving such problems, including adding/subtracting and multiplying/dividing while being careful about reversing the direction of inequality signs when necessary. By mastering these concepts and practicing with various examples, readers can easily tackle more complex problems involving inequalities in algebra and other math subjects.

FAQs in Relation to One-Step Inequalities

What is a One-Step Inequality?

A one-step inequality is a simple algebraic expression that involves a single operation, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.

What are Three Examples of One-Step Inequalities?

  1. x + 5 > 12
  2. y – 7 < 10
  3. 4x ≥  -16

How Do You Write an Inequality from a Word Problem?

To write an inequality from a word problem, identify the unknown quantity (variable), determine which comparison symbol applies (<, >, ≤, or ≥) based on context clues within the problem’s text and form an equation with these elements. See this guide on writing inequalities from word problems.


Mastering one-step inequalities is essential for math students, and understanding the basics of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing will make solving problems a breeze.

By taking your time and following each step carefully, you’ll gain the knowledge needed to tackle more complex equations down the line.

Practice and perseverance are key to mastering one-step inequalities, and with the tips provided in this post, you’ll be solving them like a pro in no time!

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